Monday, March 31, 2014


Let me tell you Girls something.  You have that little voice deep inside of you that tells you things.  And it might be really quiet right now if you haven’t listened to it in a while.  In fact, you might think it is gone completely.  But I bet you still hear it every now and then.  It might pipe in just when you least expect it and try, once again, to remind you that you are good enough.  And it might be really hard to hear it at this point because you have let all of the louder voices on the outside drown it out.  It might be really hard to hear because you have spent so many years listening to the other noises.  Like the noises that tell you over and over again that you are not good enough.  The noises that tell you that you are selfish and lazy and not very smart.  The noises that tell you that you are not doing enough.  Even though you feel like you are doing a lot.

And a lot of these noises might come from the men in your life.  And you may have been told your whole life long that all of the men in your life, they speak for God.  And so, I guess you think you should probably listen to all of the men in your life if they speak for God.  Because, well, wouldn’t God know what he’s talking about?  So you might find yourself listening to all of the men in your life, even though you still have this voice in your gut that really wants to tell you something else.  You have this voice trying to tell you that you are good enough.  But believe me I know how hard it is to listen to that voice, when all of the other noises are telling you that you are otherwise.

When you have been taught your whole life that you are a woman and these men they speak for God so you should Bow Your Head and Say Yes, it might be really hard to believe that little but persistent voice inside of you.  But girls, you listen to that voice.  Because that voice is You.  And you, of all people, know what you are talking about.  You know that you are good enough and you know that you are not selfish and you know that you are doing enough.  So girls, even if you are women now and should know better than to listen to all of the other voices, you listen to that voice inside of you.  Because it is right and it is true and it is you.  And You are the only one who really knows.

1 comment:

  1. You, of all people, know what you're talking about. Love it!
