Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The People

I am continually amazed at the people that are put into my life.  And at the ridiculous synchronicity in the timing of when they are put there.  Out of all of the billions of people in the world, exactly the right ones just so happen to be placed right in my way, exactly when they are needed the most.  It really is a beautiful thing.  And every time it happens I marvel at it and think about how lucky I am.  Sometimes I don’t even notice the person right away.  Sometimes they hardly even seem noticeable.  And sometimes I really don’t even think I want them there in the first place.  Until that thing happens where they are needed and they are exactly in the right place and time for it, where I may not have even noticed them the day before. 

Going through difficult things, over and over again, has really changed the way I look at life and especially at my relationships with other people.  That human connection thing is so very important to me these days.  And I preach it to my kids.  My oldest child is a pensive teenager.  She thinks about things a lot.  And she has been through a lot.  So, being a teenager and a thinker, and having been through a lot, she wonders, as many of us do, what it’s all about.  And even though I do not have those answers for her, I tell her to focus on the people.  I tell her that people are put into our lives for a reason, and what we put into our interactions and relationships with other people really matters.  Because sometimes the people may be all that you have to carry you.  And that matters.  And chances are, that if you are reading this, you are, or may have been one of those people to me.  And that matters.  A whole lot.

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