Monday, November 4, 2019

The Bottle

I see your bottle and I know you want to put me in it.
Don’t you know that bottle is too small and I will not fit inside?
And if you stuff me in, I will be so ugly and you will be sorry.
You cannot bottle this.

You did this to me.
You put me in the bottle.
You squished me in and wanted me to stay,
Because you were comfortable with that
And you didn’t want me to come out.
But I had to get out.
I suffered deeply inside that bottle; I almost forgot who I was.
And I got out and do you know how badly it hurt?
It hurt so bad 
and then I was all alone outside that bottle 
and I had to find my beauty again.
I remembered it from before
I had been pretty,
And I knew how to sing.
And my heart was so big and full of life.

And do you know how hard it is to come back 
after having been stuffed in a bottle?

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